2025 Members Subscriptions

Senior                                                                   $350
Full access to the club. Have a national grading and be able to enter in all Club, Regional and National events, and activities.  

Junior (Under 19)                                              $160
Full access to the club. Have a national grading and be able to enter all Club, Regional and National events, and activities.

Couple                                                                 $600
Eligibility based on both players in a relationship living together. Full access to the club. Both players have a national grading and be able to enter all Club, Regional and National events, and activities. 


Options as follows:

Arrow Slight curve  1 Senior Player + 1 Junior Player                                    $450

Arrow Slight curve  1 Senior Player +  2 or more Junior Players                 $550
Arrow Slight curve  1 Couple + 1 Junior Player                                               $700
Arrow Slight curve  1 Couple + 2 or more Junior Players                              $800

Full access to the club. All players have a national grading and be able to enter all Club, Regional and National events, and activities. 

Social/Lifestyle                                                                      $350

Formerly known as our “Non-Competitive/Club Member” subscription

Full access to the club. Able to play in all identified social events ie Social Pennants, Ladies Nights, Blokes Bash and Social 20 activities. 

Key - One off                                                                             $30 + GST

One off charge for a membership access card to the club.